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“Dr. Mazeni Alwi - Institut Jantung Negara” Locations

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Institut Jantung Negara (IJN)

  • Alamat: 145 Jalan Tun Razak, KL, Kuala Lumpur
Kuala Lumpur Mon, Tue, Wed Thu Fri, Sat Sun Doctors Onboard: 19 24 Hours
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Tentang “Dr. Mazeni Alwi - Institut Jantung Negara”

Dr. Mazeni Alwi adalah dr jantung sub spesialis jantung anak yg praktek di Institut Jantung Negara. Beliau lulusan dr Australia. Biaya Konsul: RM 100-300

Layanan yang ditawarkan

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Kardiologi73 Services
Prosedur diagnostik dan intervensi jantung bawaan yang sederhana dan kompleks$

Prosedur hibrid$


  • 983, University of Queensland, MBBS (Australia)
  • 1988, Royal College of Physicians of the United Kingdom, MRCP (Inggris)
  • 983, University of Queensland, MBBS (Australia)
  • 1988, Royal College of Physicians of the United Kingdom, MRCP (Inggris)
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“dr Mazeni Alwi - Institut Jantung Negara” Answers

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